Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Letters and Forms
The first time the Letters and Forms page is opened in Temenos Infinity, an error message prompting the administrator to install a CAB file from an unknown publisher may be received. The required CAB file is provided to the institution by Temenos. Please contact a Temenos Customer Care Representative for more information.

The Letters and Forms page (System Management > Communication > Letters & Forms) enables administrators to easily manage letters and letter templates. Letters configured within this page can be incorporated into the Send Letter workflow step and run by users when working persons, accounts, or repayment plans

For more information on the configuration of the Send Letter workflow step, please see the Send Letter Workflow Step topic in this guide.


By default, all letters and forms are displayed within the grid; however, administrators can filter results by either typing in the filter box or using the View drop-down.

The grid on this page displays the following columns of information for each letter:

Column Name Description
Letter Displays the name of the letter in the following format: Letter Code-Letter Name.
Template Displays the name of the template to which the letter is associated.
Category Displays the category of the letter.
Type Designates whether it is a letter or a form.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification on the letter was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification on the letter.

The Actions drop-down that appears above the grid displays all of the functions associated to the Letter and Forms page, such as creating and editing both letters and templates.

Please see the sections in this topic for Letter Actions and Template Actions for an overview of each function that can be performed within the Actions drop-down.

The Letters and Forms topic provides administrators with the following information to create and manage letters and letter templates:

Letter and Template Attributes

Letter Attributes

All letters share common attributes that are defined when creating, editing, and copying a letter.

The following Letter attributes are defined for each letter:

Attribute Description
Letter Code Enter a Letter Code. This is a required field.
Letter Name Enter a Letter Name. This name appears in the Send Letter workflow step when selecting the letter that is to be sent. This is a required field.
Letter Description If desired, enter a description to provide more information about the letter.
Is this a letter or a form From the drop-down, identify whether the document is a letter or a form.
There is no functional difference when selecting a letter versus selecting a form.
Letter Category From the drop-down, select a category for the letter. This is optional and is used for reporting purposes.
The Letter Category drop-down populates with the values of the Letter Category lookup defined in System Management > Field Configurations.
Letter will contain Repayment Plan fields

Select the check box to categorize a letter as a Repayment Plan letter, and identify that the letter includes information specific to a repayment plan. When this check box is selected, the Roles tab is disabled within the Letter Template window and the Person Exclusions tab becomes active. During execution of the Send Letter workflow step, a letter is sent to all responsible parties for a repayment plan, or the responsible parties who meet the criteria to receive the letter.  

When this check box is selected, the value cannot be edited once the letter is saved.

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Template Attributes

Templates provide administrators with the ability to define the foundation and content of the letter, such as the fields and grids that populate with information for the applicable account holders, as well as determine how a letter is generated and to whom a letter including account and/or person information is sent.

By default, letter templates are saved in .docx format, enabling the ability to use developer tools within Microsoft Word when creating the template. Templates can be configured using developer tools to create attributes, such as check boxes and drop-down lists within Word documents.

Administrators have the ability to save letter templates as .doc or .docx as needed by accessing the template share folder. Administrators also have the ability to adjust letter templates within the template share folder.

To begin creating a letter template, select a letter to apply the template to within the Letters and Forms grid and click Create Template in the Actions drop-down.

Within the New Letter Template window, administrators are provided with the ability to define the following template attributes:


General attributes allow administrators to define the basic information for the template, such as the letter template code and letter generation method.

The following template attributes are defined within the General tab:

Attribute Description
The letter for which the template is created A read-only field that displays the letter for which the template is being created.
Letter Template Code Enter the template code for the new template. The template code carries over from what was defined when the letter was created. Temenos recommends keeping the code the same as the letter for consistency purposes. This is a required field.
Letter Template Description Enter a description for the new letter template. This is a required field.
Letter Generation Method Select one of the following letter generation methods:
  • On Demand – This allows the user to print the letter within the Send Letter workflow step. The user can also edit the letter when executing the workflow step.
  • Batch Print – The letter is sent to Temenos Infinity’s Batch Letting Printing feature. Any user that has permissions to Batch Letter Printing can print whenever he/she desires. The user does not have the option to view/edit or print the letter when executing the workflow step.
  • Outbound Export – This method is only utilized with the Letter Export functionality. The user running the workflow does not have the option to view/edit/print the letter in the workflow step. Users are also not able to view/edit/print the letter from the Letter History screen. Letter Export settings are set in System Management > Exports > Other Actions.
    Outbound letter export functionality does not support the export of grid data. If a letter contains a grid, the letter exports with all content excluding the grid.
Letter Category A read-only field that displays the category defined during creation of the letter.

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Criteria attributes allow administrators to define the criteria an account or repayment plan must meet in order for a specific letter template to be generated. When a letter is associated with multiple templates, the criteria defined within this tab determines which template is used when the letter is generated.

For example, an institution may have customers in three different states: New Jersey, Delaware, and New York. Because of statewide regulations, the templates for each state must be designed differently to conform to the regulations for each state. When building a template for the state of New Jersey, the administrator can set the criteria to look for the primary’s home state to be New Jersey so when the letter is sent, it is only sent to appropriate customers in New Jersey.

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Since roles are not defined for Repayment Plan letters, the Roles tab is disabled when creating a template for a letter with the Letter will contain Repayment Plan fields check box selected.

Role attributes enable administrators to assign the role types that are to receive the letter. When a letter including account and/or person information is generated in the Send Letter workflow step, it is sent to all account holders related to the account(s) associated with the workflow who hold a role that corresponds to a role type assigned within this tab.

The following role attributes are assigned within the Roles tab: 

Attribute Description
Available Roles

Displays a list of all roles defined in System Management > Role Types. Assign roles to the template by selecting the desired role type(s) from the list and moving the role type(s) to the Assigned box using the arrows that are displayed.

At least one Role type must be selected. If no role types are selected, a message appears directing the user to assign at least one role.
Assigned Roles Displays the roles types to receive the letter. When a letter including account and/or person information is generated in the Send Letter workflow step, the system automatically generates a letter to the person(s) with the role types assigned within this box.                        

For example, when the Primary and Secondary role types are assigned to a letter template, both the primary and joint account holders receive a letter once it is generated.

The primary role code within the database is imported into Temenos Infinity and automatically mapped to all letters upon completion of the first batch import. For more information, please see the connector guide for the applicable core interface.

Person Exclusion

The Person Exclusion tab is only enabled when creating a template for a letter with the Letter will contain Repayment Plan fields check box selected.

The Person Exclusion tab provides system administrators with the ability to select from a list of Person level fields to define criteria that prevents a person from receiving a letter with repayment plan information. By default, a letter is generated for each responsible party on a repayment plan; however, when criteria is set within this tab, a letter is not generated for any responsible party who meets the defined criteria. 

For example, administrators can set criteria within this tab to prevent a letter from being sent to a responsible party on a repayment plan that is deceased. With the above template, a letter is generated for each responsible person on a repayment plan who has a deceased flag set to false; a letter is not sent to any responsible party with a deceased flag set to true.

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Letter and Template Actions

Letters are formed by first creating a letter and then building a template for the letter.

The Actions drop-down that appears in the Letters and Forms page provides administrators with the ability to easily create and manage both letters and templates. 

Letter Actions

Within the Actions drop-down, administrators are provided with the ability to perform the following actions to create and manage letters:

Creating a Letter

To create a letter:

Editing a Letter

To edit a letter:

Copying a Letter

To copy a letter:

Deleting a Letter

Letters associated with a workflow cannot be deleted. When attempting to delete a letter that is associated with a workflow, a message appears to inform that the letter cannot be deleted. To delete the letter, the letter must first be removed from the workflow(s) to which it is associated.

To delete a letter:

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Template Actions

Within the Actions drop-down, administrators are provided with the ability to perform the following actions to create and manage templates:

The ability to create or edit a letter template is not supported in the Edge browser. When trying to create a new template, or edit an existing template in Edge, an error message is received stating that the Temenos Browser Control failed to load, and should be downloaded from the Help menu. The Temenos Browser Control is not available for the Edge browser; therefore, it cannot be downloaded from Download Controls option in the Help menu.
If a letter is not selected within the grid, a message appears upon clicking any of the below actions to inform that a letter must be selected in order to perform the action.

Creating a Template

Templates are created by defining the template attributes and customizing the content of the letter within the template editor.

For information on configuring the Send Letter workflow step, please see the Send Letter workflow step topic in this guide.

Editing a Letter Template

To edit a letter template:

Copying a Letter Template

To copy a letter template:

Deleting a Letter Template

When a new letter is created, it is assigned a “default” template. Default templates cannot be deleted.

To delete a letter template:

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Template Editor

Prior to designing a letter template, it is recommended to determine the type of person information that appears in the letter, such as whether a letter should only include information for the person receiving the letter or should include information for all people associated to the account. This determination drives whether Person fields or Account > Person fields should be used to create the letter template. For more information, please see the Letters and Forms: Person vs. Account > Person Fields example.

The Template Editor allows administrators to insert fields and/or grids into a Word document to automatically populate information from Temenos Infinity directly within the letter, as well as add a barcode to a document that automatically identifies the letter as undeliverable if returned in the mail.

Upon clicking Click to Launch Template in the Letter Template window, the system attempts to authenticate the user's session.

 Once authenticated, a Word document opens along with the Template Editor to enable administrators to define the content that appears in the letter template.

When a template is being created for a Repayment Plan letter, the Template Editor appears as shown below:

The Template Editor enables administrators to easily insert fields and/or grids into a letter template, add a barcode to a template, as well as open an existing Word document to edit and use as a base for the template.

The actions listed below can be performed within the top toolbar:

Button Description
Enables administrators to save the updates made to a template. When this button is clicked, the Template Editor closes and returns administrators to the Letter Template window.  
Enables administrators to open a pre-configured Word document from the File Explorer to edit and use for the template.
Enables administrators to cancel the changes made to a template.
Enables administrators to insert a field into the letter template.

The following tabs appear within the top of the Template editor to provide administrators with the ability to insert fields and/or grids into a letter, as well as add a barcode to a letter template:


The Fields tab allows administrators to add fields to a letter to automatically populate and/or calculate the data when the letter is generated.

This tab displays a list of the fields that are available to add to a letter, grouped into the following folders:

Folder Name Description
Account Contains all of the fields associated to the account. The Account folder contains the Primary and Secondary folders. Select fields from these folders if more than one person is being added to the letter.
For details on when the Account > Persons fields should be used, please see the Letters and Forms: Person vs. Account > Person Fields topic within the User and Administrator Guide.
Workflow Contains all of the fields customized in the Configure Fields tab when building a workflow.
Person Contains all of the fields associated to the person.
For details on when the Persons fields should be used, please see the Letters and Forms: Person vs. Account > Person Fields topic within the User and Administrator Guide.
Case Contains all of the fields that are associated to a case, including Case Custom fields.
Repayment Plan

Contains all of the fields associated to a repayment plan.

The Repayment Plan folder is only available when creating a template for a letter with the Letter will contain Repayment Plan fields check box selected.

The Repayment Plan folder contains the following sub-folders:

  • Custom - includes all of the Repayment Plan and Garnishment custom fields configured in System Management > Custom Fields.
  • Garnishment - includes all of the fields associated with a Garnishment.
    If Garnishment fields are configured to appear in a letter, but no Garnishments are related to the repayment plan associated with the letter, a blank value displays for the Garnishment fields when the letter is generated.
Account - Promise Fields Contains the fields relative to promise amounts, such as First Promise amount, last promise amount, etc.
Use Total Promise Amount to display the total amount promised.
Account - Payment Fields Contains the fields associated to payments such as payment amount, payment date, transfer source account, and transfer destination account.
End User Fields Contains all of the fields that can be used in relation to the user. These fields may be used to sign a letter if the letter should contain the institution employee's contact information.
Date Fields Contains the Current Date Fields. These fields are used when the current date or a current day plus a designated amount of days date range needs to be added.
Pre-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields Contains the fields associated with payments scheduled for a pre-petition cash flow.
Pre-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields Contains the fields associated with transactions that were performed on a pre-petition cash flow.
Post-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields Contains the fields associated with payments scheduled for a post-petition cash flow.
Post-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields Contains the fields associated with transactions that were performed on a post-petition cash flow.

Reference the following list for tips to consider when adding fields to a letter template:

  • Microsoft Word calculated fields are not supported in letter templates due to the inability to display the field in the letter history. If this functionality is desired, institutions can create a calculated custom field in System Management > Custom Fields, and add that field to the letter template.


Grids can be used to present a variety of information in an easy-to-read table format within a letter.

In order to return data on multiple accounts, it is recommended to add a grid to any letter intended to run via a multi-account workflow.

When a template is created for a Repayment Plan letter, additional grids are available to capture and display pertinent repayment plan information and the Grids tab appears as follows:

The table below provides an overview of each grid that is available to add to a letter from the Grids tab along with a description of the grid, and a list of the fields that display in the grid by default.

Grid Name Description Default Fields
DQ Fields This grid contains account related delinquency information such as Balance, DQ Amount, Due Date, etc.

The following fields are configured to display in the DQ Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Account Link Masked -  Account > Account Information > Miscellaneous > Account Link MASKED
  • Account Number -  Account > Account Number
  • Account Number Masked -  Account > Account Number Masked
  • Account Type - Account > Account Information > Account Type - Description
  • Balance: -  Account > Balance
  • Current Late Charges - Account > Account Information > Fees and Charges > Current Late Charges
  • DQ Amount -  Account Specialty Processes > Delinquency > DQ Amount
  • Interest Rate - Account > Account Information > Principal and Interest > Interest Rate
  • Payment Amount Due - Predefined Calculation
  • SSN/TIN Masked - SSN/SSN/TIN Masked


Vehicle Fields This grid contains vehicle collateral information such as Make, Model, VIN, etc.                        

Temenos Infinity supports multiple pieces of Collateral. This allows the institution to place multiple collateral in a letter within a grid. These fields are not available in the field tree.

The following fields are configured to display in the Vehicle Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • License Plate Number - Account > Collateral > Vehicle > License Plate Number
  • Make - Account > Collateral > Vehicle > Make
  • Model - Account > Collateral > Vehicle > Model
  • VIN - Account > Collateral > Vehicle > VIN
  • Year - Account Collateral > Vehicle > Year
Real Estate Fields This grid contains real estate fields such as address, description, Parcel Number, and Property type description. These fields are not available in the field tree.

The following fields are configured to display in the Vehicle Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Address - Account > Collateral > Real Estate > Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, City, State, and Zip
  • Description - Account > Collateral > Short Description 1
  • Parcel Number - Account > Collateral > Real Estate > Parcel Number
  • Property Type - Account > Collateral > Real Estate > Property Type - Desc
Promise to Pay Fields This grid provides pertinent information regarding an account holder's promise to pay information.

The following fields are configured to display in the Promise to Pay Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Account Number -  Account > Account Number
  • Account Number Masked -  Account > Account Number Masked
  • Account Type - Account > Account Information > Account Type - Description
  • Amount Paid - Promise > Promise Payments > Amount Paid
  • Date Paid - Promise > Promise Payments > Date Paid
  • Payment Type - Promise > Promise Payments > Payment Type - Lookup
  • Promise Amount - Promise > Promise Payments > Promise Amount
  • Promise Date - Promise > Promise Payments > Promise Date
  • Promise Status - Promise > Promise Payments >Status - Lookup
Most Recent Credit Risk Factors This grid displays any credit report risk factors associated to a person when a credit report is generated.

The following field is configured to display in the Most Recent Credit Risk Factors grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Risk Factor Description - Risk Factor Description
Recovery Balance Fields This grid displays a list of the recovery balances for a repayment plan and its associated recovery accounts in order to outline the current balances for an account.

The following fields are configured to display in the Recovery Balance Fields grid by default:

  • General Ledger Account Description
  • General Ledger Account Name
  • General Ledger Account Parent Name
  • General Ledger Balance
  • Is Balance Eligible for Interest
Scheduled Payment Fields

This grid displays a list of the scheduled payments that are associated with a repayment plan in chronological order by payment date.

While the option to total the Remaining Balance column is available, it is recommended to NOT select the Total option for the Remaining Balance as the value that renders is not an accurate calculation of the account original recovery balance.

The following fields are configured to display in the Scheduled Payment Fields grid by default:

  • Amount
  • Payment Date
  • Payment Number
  • Remaining Balance
  • Scheduled Date
Account Activity Fields

This grid displays a breakdown of the transactions that occurred since the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date. When rendered, this grid displays transactions in chronological order by Posting Date.

In order for data to accurately populate in this grid, the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date must be set for the repayment plan. To set the value of the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date prior to letter generation, it is recommended to configure the Last Statement Date field to appear on a Repayment Plan screen in order to be manually set or configure a workflow step, such as the Change Field step, to appear before the Send Letter step in the workflow to automatically set the value of the field.

For more information on the Change Field workflow step, please see the Change Field Workflow Step topic in this guide.

The Transaction Amount field displays either a positive or negative amount based on whether the transaction is a credit or debit. Negative amounts are surrounded by parenthesis when the grid renders.

The following fields are configured to display in the Account Activity Fields grid by default:

  • Description
  • Effective Date
  • Posting Date
  • Received From
  • Reference Date
  • Reference Number
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Description
Complete Account Activity Fields

This grid displays a breakdown of all transactions that occurred since the repayment plan was created. This grid includes the same fields as the Account Activity grid; however, the time frame of the transactions that are included in this grid differs as it includes entries both before and after the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date. When rendered, this grid displays transactions in chronological order by Posting Date.

The following fields are configured to display in the Complete Account Activity Fields grid by default:

  • Description
  • Effective Date
  • Posting Date
  • Received From
  • Reference Date
  • Reference Number
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Description
Transaction Allocation Fields

This grid displays a list of all transactions that occurred since the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date with a breakdown of how each transaction was allocated to Principal, Interest, and Reimbursable Expenses. When rendered, this grid displays transactions in chronological order by Posting Date.

In order for data to accurately populate in this grid, the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date must be set for the repayment plan. To set the value of the Repayment Plan Last Statement Date prior to letter generation, it is recommended to configure the Last Statement Date field to appear on a Repayment Plan screen in order to be manually set or configure a workflow step, such as the Change Field step, to appear before the Send Letter step in the workflow to automatically set the value of the field.

For more information on the Change Field workflow step, please see the Change Field Workflow Step topic in this guide.

The following fields are configured to display in the Transaction Allocation Fields grid by default:

  • Balance
  • Effective Date
  • Expenses
  • Interest
  • Other
  • Posting Date
  • Principal
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Name

Pre-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields

This grid contains fields pertaining to payments scheduled for a pre-petition cash flow.

The following fields are configured to display in the Pre-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Actual Payment Date - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Actual Payment Date
  • Actual Payment Variance - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Actual Payment Variance
  • Bill Amount Satisfied - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Bill Amount Satisfied
  • Comments - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Comments
  • Payment Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Payment Amount
  • Payment Date - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Payment Date
  • Payments Past Due - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Payment Past Due
  • Remaining Balance - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Remaining Balance
  • Total Exclusion Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Total Exclusion Amount 
  • Total Statement Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Total Statement Amount
Pre-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields This grid contains fields pertaining to the transaction details for a pre-petition cash flow.

The following fields are configured to display in the Pre-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Applied Total Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Applied Total Amount
  • Exclusions
  • Posting Type - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Posting Type - Description
  • Reversal Reason - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Reversal Reason
  • Transaction Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Comments - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Comments
  • Transaction Date - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Date
  • Transaction Exclusion Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Exclusion Amount
  • Transaction Type - Account > Cash Flow > Pre-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Type - Description
Post-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields This grid contains fields pertaining to payments scheduled for a post-petition cash flow.

The following fields are configured to display in the Post-Petition Cash Flow Scheduled Payment Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Actual Payment Date - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Actual Payment Date
  • Actual Payment Variance - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Actual Payment Variance
  • Bill Amount Satisfied - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Bill Amount Satisfied
  • Comments - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Comments
  • Payment Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Payment Amount
  • Payment Date - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Payment Date
  • Payments Past Due - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Payment Past Due
  • Remaining Balance - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Remaining Balance
  • Total Exclusion Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Total Exclusion Amount 
  • Total Statement Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow > Scheduled Payment > Total Statement Amount
Post-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields This grid contains fields pertaining to the transaction details for a post-petition cash flow.

The following fields are configured to display in the Post-Petition Cash Flow Transaction Fields grid by default (Field Name - Long Display):

  • Applied Total Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Applied Total Amount
  • Exclusions
  • Posting Type - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Posting Type - Description
  • Reversal Reason - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Reversal Reason
  • Transaction Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Comments - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Comments
  • Transaction Date - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Date
  • Transaction Exclusion Amount - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Exclusion Amount
  • Transaction Type - Account > Cash Flow > Post-Petition Cash Flow >Transaction > Transaction Type - Description


A barcode can be added to a letter template to automatically identify the letter as undeliverable if returned in the mail. When the letter is returned to the financial institution, a scanned image of the letter can be uploaded to a specified location to allow the barcode to be read by a process that automatically attaches the letter to the associated account or case, and sets a bad address flag for the identified address in Temenos Infinity.

In order to use the barcode functionality, the process must be activated within the Letter Barcode Activation page. Please see the Letter Barcode Activation and Scanning Exceptions topic in this guide for more information.

Within the Barcodes tab, administrators are able to identify the process to be performed when a barcode is scanned, and add the barcode to a letter template.

Each letter barcode includes 10-digit number that associates the letter with a person and address in Temenos Infinity when the letter is generated.

The barcode number is zero padded and increased by one each time a letter is generated. For example, the first time a letter with a barcode is generated, the barcode number is 0000000001; the next letter barcode generated is 0000000002.

The process for Undeliverable Mail allows administrators to select one of the following options to determine which address is reviewed for the associated person during the scanning process, and set as a Bad Address in Temenos Infinity:

For example, if Home Address is selected for a barcode, when the barcode is reviewed during the scanning process, the BadAddress flag is set for the home address of the person associated with the letter.

For additional information on the scanning process, please see the Letter Barcode Process section of the Letter Barcode Activation and Scanning Exceptions topic in this guide.

Below the tabs is the Preview section, which enables the ability to review a letter template before it is created. For letters including account, case, and/or person information, administrators are able to enter an account number, case number, or SSN/TIN to generate the letter and automatically populate information specific to the account, case, or person.

When creating a template for a letter including repayment plan information, administrators are able to enter the account number associated with a repayment plan as well as identify the type of repayment plan used to generate the letter and automatically populate information specific to the repayment plan.

For more information on this functionality, please see the Previewing a Letter section in this topic. 

Actions within the Template Editor

To begin creating the letter template, add the desired text to the Word document, leaving spaces for the fields and/or grids to be inserted from the Template Editor.

If a Word document contains pre-existing fields, the fields must be deleted and re-mapped using fields in the Template Editor.

Once all text has been entered, navigate to the Template Editor to begin adding fields or grids to the template.

Within the Template Editor, administrators can perform the following actions to add data to the template, and ensure the template generates correctly before it is created:

ShowAdd Fields

To add fields from the Fields tab:

When all fields have been added, insert a grid from the Grids tab or navigate to the Preview section to review the letter template.

ShowAdd Grids

To add a grid:

Once a grid has been added, the field and grid properties can be modified by selecting the grid name within the Grids tab and clicking Edit.

ShowAdd a Barcode

To add a barcode to a letter template:

ShowPreview Template

After the letter text has been defined and all desired fields/grids have been added, navigate to the Preview section to view how the letter appears when generated.

Within this section, enter the following information to preview a letter template including account, case, and/or person information:

Field Description
Account # Enter an account number to generate the letter and populate information for the account and any related account holder(s) into the applicable fields.
Case # Enter a case number to generate the letter and populate information for the case and any related person(s) into the applicable fields.
SSN/TIN Enter a SSN/TIN to generate the letter and populate information for the person and any related accounts or cases into the applicable fields.

When creating a template for a repayment plan letter, complete the following information to generate the letter for a specific repayment plan:

Field Description
Account #

Enter the account number associated with a repayment plan to generate the letter and populate information for the repayment plan as well as any related account holder(s) or recovery accounts into the applicable fields.

To ensure that the system queries the correct account number linked to a repayment plan, the value entered in the Account # field must be in the following format: <Account Number>-<Loan Number>.
Repayment Plan Type

Select one of the following options to determine the repayment plan information that is used to populate the fields in the letter:

  • Settlement - Displays information from the most recently created repayment plan (based on Created Date), where IsSettlement is true.
    If there are multiple repayment plans in a settlement for the supplied account and Settlement is selected as the repayment plan type, then the most recently created repayment plan for the settlement is used to generate the letter.
  • Active - Displays information from the most recently created repayment plan (based on Created Date), where the status is Active or Delinquent.  
  • Recent - Displays information from the most recently created repayment plan (based on Created Date).

Once all Preview parameters have been defined, click  to generate the letter.

If the Account # used for the preview is not associated with a repayment plan, an error message is received upon clicking  to inform that no repayment plans are associated with the identified account.
The placement of a letter barcode cannot be modified in the Preview; however, the barcode can be moved manually during on-demand letter generation from the Send Letter workflow step.

Information populates within each field configured to appear in the letter template as shown below:

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Finalizing a Template within the Template Editor

After the letter content has been previewed and all desired information has been added to the template, click  within the top of the Template Editor to retain the template configurations. 

Once   is clicked, the Template Editor closes and returns to the Letter Template window to finalize the letter.

Creation or modification of a letter template is not complete until a final save is performed within the Letter Template window. If a final save is not performed within the Letter Template window, any configurations made within the Template Editor are not retained.

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See Also




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